I'm not saying that my kids are not that good at sports (but it's still true). We've been trying to get them to be more active. They would play video games all day if I let them. While Ian was learning (painfully for me and him) to ride his bike without training wheels, we realized that he had out grown his bike. And Jason had out grown his too. So we gave Ian Jason's and got Jason a new bike. Jason was not so sure about the whole situation. He doesn't like change, and he doesn't like to fall. Jason had a really difficult time learning how to ride a bike, then we got him a new one, and it was like relearning all over again. I think he was worried that it was going to happen a third time.
We bought Jason a new bike. It was like he had transformed. All of a sudden Jason was a person that I didn't know anymore. He was a whole new being. He let go of some of his up-tightness (is that even a word?) and he was free, just having fun. It's rare that you see a change in your children like that but now he loves to ride his bike.
I think it's so cute that he wears my old cycling gloves! Doesn't he look so big!
Ian finally learned how to ride too! Hopefully soon it will be fun and not just a way to get a Popsicle.
Oh, and I think daddy wants a bike too. He doesn't have one, sad. While we're at it, Mommy wouldn't mind a tri-bike either. So if there is any wealthy blog readers that want to invest, just let me know. :)
I'm surprised I didn't flatten the tires on Jason's bike...
I'll buy your regular bike from you so you can get a Tri bike. I get an Ortega discount, right?
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