Yes, I am deleberatly not blogging about he hard stuff. I am not ready for that yet, but we did take some really great pictures during our most recent trip to NM.
All night driving sometimes leads to emergency pit-stops.
Pretty area, even if it was on fire and "closed to the public"
When was the last time these 3 went on a hike together? Fun Cannon bro's pic.
The risk of hiking near a National Lab!
Dang, and I wanted to play with the bombs!
Cousins are always happy to be with eachother.
Maia and Ian, were the cutest peas in a pod.
We sure did a lot of hiking on that trip. Some of the best and worst times I've had with my brothers. I learned that no sub-standard-IQ, potato-chip-eating, fat, lazy cop can keep us from getting to where we want to go!
Ah yes, and think of all the memories that guy gave you.
Aaaaahhhhh, the naked bum picture! Too funny!
It is important to blog the good stuff. I am starting to blog again. Thanks for getting me thinking about it. See you next week!
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