Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Part 4: 4th of July

We started off the 4th with a visit to the Health Museum.  It really should have been called the "broken exhibit museum" Nothing was working.  We could tell that other family's were visiting the other museums in the area, this one was a like a ghost town.  That suited us though, we don't like crowds, but when you are the only people in the place it felt a little weird.  The boys did have a fun time, and we learned some cool stuff. We could see how awesome this place would have been if the stuff worked.
One of our favorite parts was the Sound Proof Booth that measured the sound you could make.  Here are the kids screaming at the top of their lungs, just trying to see how many decibels they could reach! Matt was the loudest.  But I think our mild mannered kids had fun letting go a bit. They were trying so hard, I'm surprised their eyeball didn't pop out.

The second part of the day, Blowing up stuff! You know how most kids up to a certain age hate loud fireworks, well we are over that age.  These kids were full blown pyro junkies!  We started off with smoke bombs, but quickly moved on to M60's and the joy of blowing stuff up!

I was not a fan of the loud fire Crackers.  Yes, everyone made fun of my ear plugs!
I also was a little worried about what a physicist and two kids would do for their blowing up entertainment.  Thankfully we made it through the night with all our fingers.  If you thought the fireworks were loud you should have heard their laughter!

Some sparkler Fun!

Some battling wizards!

Those are the "Good" Fireworks.  While I'm not a huge fan of Firecrackers, I do love fireworks.  I mean those amazing displays that shoot up into the sky.  Growing up in the southwest meant that most fireworks were banned or very few lame ones were allowed. (Emily and I once put out a fire in that was started by a smoke bomb!) This year we had tons of rain and anything was legal! Who-hoo, I went a little crazy at the firework stand getting the "fun stuff."

We had some neighbors come out and enjoy the show... along with a million mosquitos!

1 comment:

Emily Nutz O'Neal said...

I loved the screaming pictures, oh my gosh I laughed forever! I miss your family.