Being a super-dork has it's perks, like... getting advanced email about super-dorky things. Like, The Legend of Zelda Symphony. A conversation like this happened in my head "We have to go. But who got to go? Matt and I yes, but would we bring our boys? To the Symphony? Wow, these tickets are expensive (and there are no kids tickets). Okay let's do it. What a great opportunity to experience the Symphony at a young age."
We were Literally at an amusement park in Orlando when I got this email. I was able to purchase tickets right there in Florida for my whole family (thank you modern technology). Spending a boat loads of money for symphony tickets while on vacation is a little bit nuts and very scary. But the idea of tickets selling out and missing this was enough for me to do it.
So we decided to make a night out of it. We dined at one of our favorite restaurants in Houston, Pronto!
We headed to Jones Hall, which is a great venue. Matt and I have been to the Symphony before and it is wonderful.
What do you wear to the Zelda Symphony? As it turns out, anything. There were people in jeans and t-shirts. There were people in formal wear. And yes, there were plenty of people in costume! I could have worn my Zelda costume and been a total celebrity, as it turns out I enjoyed the anonymity. We did have a little hint of Zelda to make us feel special. Our dress ended up being "Zelda Classy" or "Sheik Chic" (that's a little Zelda humor for the nerds out there). The boys wore their Tri-force ties that I made.
I wore my Hylian Crest earrings. I was asked a number of times where I bought them. I impressed all by simply saying they were key chains that I turned into earrings. Yes, I'm a brilliant. I heard people talking about the ties too, it was very cool.
The Symphony was breathtakingly amazing. You left feeling like a hero! We got to live each and every Zelda game with Link. The music is so iconic and is a soundtrack for our home. The visuals were just what you wanted to see to bring the feeling of the game to life. The musicians were fantastic, I enjoyed watching the percussion section work so hard running back and forth to different instruments. Just when you thought the night had ended, they threw another encore at you!
I was worried about how the boys would behave. We talked to them about what proper behavior at the symphony was, they knew they needed to be good. But I didn't have to worry, they were so entranced by the music, the instruments and the visuals they could have sat there for 2 more hours. There were not many children so it made me proud that Jason and Ian were so well behaved. It was such an wonderful night, I don't really have words for it. I am so glad I have my memories and my family. In case you were wondering, it was worth every penny.
Sheik Chic- Love it! :) You guys are the coolest geeks I have ever known!
You guys are so stinkin neardy and fun, I love it!
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