Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why even tri?

Race 1: Houston Tri - Olympic Distance
First off I have to admit my training for this race was horrible.  I didn't get anywhere near the distances I should have.  I considered pulling out of the race or at the very least dropping down and doing the shorter distance.  I reminded myself that I'm not in it for anything but to better myself and there was no reason to wuss-out on myself.  I was waiting to use the portable toilets before the race, I was talking with someone about food.  This guy chimes in and says, he only eats 200 calories before the race sinces it's "only on Oly".
Yeah, no big deal, this race is going to be a piece of cake for me too, NOT!

Race Day:
Swim-I'm all geared up and ready to go!  But I have to wait.  First the Sprint race starts, then The Oly's and I was in the last heat! UGH, there were people finishing the sprint even before I got in the water.  The water was pretty clear for a lake swim, and aside from the water weeds that would attack you, it was the cleanest open water swim I've ever done. A few times I started to laugh because I felt like Harry Potter in the Tri-Wizard tournament, what was that spell that destroyed Grindylos?  Okay 1500 meters- Here we go.  I started out nice and steady, I kept my pace the whole race, and in retrospect, I could have pushed it even harder.  I was, after all, posing for pictures in the water! Stop smiling and start swimming.  The swim was a two loop course, which means we actually got out of the water and got back in.  A little strange, but good.  The run back to transition was soooo looonnnggg.  I was pretty quick at hopping on my bike and heading out for the ride.

Bike- Oh, this is where the poor training kicks in.  I thought I was doing fine on my pace, but I wasn't!  I thought I remembered what 20mph winds felt like, but I didn't.  I thought I brought enough food... but I didn't.  I thought 26 miles was a short ride, but it wasn't.  Plus it was another two loop course, there were lots of people finishing their second lap while I was on my first.  I felt like so slow and tired.  I was able to finish my second loop on will power.  On my way back I came back into transition in the wrong area and messed up my bike time.
Run- I was tired, I decided to take my time in transition, try to relax and regroup.  Matt was there cheering me on.  I couldn't find my hat... it must have blown away in the wind.  I get my shoes on and start running...jogging...speed walking, walking, crawling (oh and that was all in the first 15 meters).  I wanted to quit.  It was HOT, really hot, Windy, and I was so tired.  I felt horrible, I spent money, time and and dragged my family out to this race and I wanted to quit.  I knew they got up just as early, I knew that they were just as hot, and it's not fun to hang out for 5 hours doing nothing!  The thought when through my head, "Why am I doing this", "Why even tri".  But they were still there.  Matt was running beside me, cheering me on. So I put one leg in front of the other and started going.  At the very beginning of the run I made a friend.  She was walking, stating that she was walking faster then her slow jog, I had to agree.  We walked/jogged all 6.2 miles together.  It was still so hot, but the company and the pace was just what I needed.  While talking I reminded myself of why I do this.  Why I push my body and mind to it's capacity, and all the wonderful people that support me and my insanity!  We ran the last .25 mile in (I had to stop, because I almost threw-up) I was very dehydrated.  I made it over the finish line. 

Race 2: Try Andy's Tri (sprint distance) 3 weeks later. 
Gross water, Fast Bike, Good finish, & Personal Best! This was the second time I've done this race, it's nice to be on a familiar course.
  I learned that just because the last race was hard, it doesn't mean the next one will be.  Being prepared goes a long way.  For me I needed to decide what I wanted to focus on, doing the longer distance or improving my speed. 
When I reflect upon these races and some of the more difficult parts, I am reminded of those difficult times we face in life.  Sometimes we are not a prepared as we should be and the road is rockier.  Family & friends help you when you're ready to give up.  You shouldn't dismiss the good parts just because something came after that was worse.  Just because today is bad doesn't mean that tomorrow will be too.  Sometimes even the best prep doesn't cover everything, and we still face challenges.

 If you don't even tri... you will never succeed
So go put your game-face on and do your best, at what ever you chose to do!


Sally said...

Wow, Terri, You. Are. Amazing. Inspiring. :)

Way to "tri"!!!

Kristi said...

I wanna do that one day!